Title: Audio By Visual Artist
Label: Tellus - Tellus #21
Country: US
Released: 1988
Style: Avant-Garde/ Spoken Word/ Poetry/ Experimental
紐約廠牌Tellus由視覺藝術家Joseph Nechvatal, 現任紐約猶太博物館館長的Claudia Gould及作曲家/ 紐約數位藝術中心Harvestworks常任董事Carol Parkinson創立, 經營理念很特別, 以廠牌名稱後面加上序號的發行主題是想以卡帶的方式出版"聲音雜誌", 每一期內容都相當豐富, 主要以Spoken Word, 聲音詩, 實驗為主, 但當中偶爾也會有幾首讓人驚喜的拼貼或Alternative/ Free Rock的作品, 十分有趣.
這張編號21的合輯算是個人覺得當最具可聽性且珍貴的, 兩面總共收錄了三十首來自二十九位視覺藝術家的聲音創作, 其中還包含Jean Dubuffet著名作品Musical Experiences, 雖然收錄的曲目大多都是剪輯過後的版本, 但該合輯之目的本就是作為一本導覽, 藉此發掘當中收錄的視覺藝術家不為人知的聲音創作, 這也應是Tellus創立該聲音雜誌系列發行的初衷及希冀引發聽者的後續效應.
From ubu.com:
This issue of TELLUS explores audio work produced by visual artists from the Futurist Movement to the present. Luigi Russolo presented his theories on the use of noise in a musical context in 1913 with the "Art of Noise". Russolo destroyed the barrier which separated the works of precise harmonic sounds from that of indeterminate noise. With this manifesto, he proclaimed: "Ancient life was all silence. In the 19th century, with the invention of machines, Noise was born." His Futurist Orchestra of "families of noises" argued that the voice and sounds such as rumbles, explosions, whistles, snorts, screams, laughs and machines were to be regarded as musical instruments. With this in mind, I have touched on subsequent movements or events, defined by artists: Dada, Letterism, Art Brut, Fluxus, Conceptual Art and artists working with media appropriation that have been instrumental to audio and its history The two faces of this tape document different approaches to audio recording - sound and phonetic poetry, music concrete, storytelling, electronics, artists' bands and the sequential repetition of a sound, noise or word(s). With eighty-eight years of audio history passing through sixty minutes of time, TELLUS #21 accounts for less than one second of work produced by artists in this century.
-Claudia Gould