2016年12月15日 星期四

Yellow Tears & Ahlzagailzehguh ‎– Sitophilic Remorse

Artist: Yellow Tears/ Ahlzagailzehguh
Title: Sitophilic Remorse (Split)
Label:  Collapsed Hole ‎– CHN09/ Happy Face Entertainment ‎– hf-002
Country: US
Released: 2008
Style: Harsh Noise/ Industrial 

Yellow Tears, 來自紐約的工業/噪音三人組, 發行不多但內容精實, 聲音層次很豐富, 善用採樣拼貼和人聲調變, 曲風也從噪音到環境音樂都有涉及, 現場演出常結合裝置及行為藝術,  算是個人蠻喜歡的團體. 該合輯收錄與Ahlzagailzehguh兩面皆不到五分鐘短小精悍的曲目, 也算是目前聽過Yellow Tears發行中最接近Harsh Noise的作品.


2016年12月14日 星期三

吉田達也 (Tatsuya Yoshida) - Solo Works

Artist: 吉田達也 (Tatsuya Yoshida)
Title: Solo Works
Label: Magaibutsu
Country: Japan
Released: 1988
Style: Free Improvisation/ Avant-garde

吉田達也應不用再多做介紹, 跨足自由爵士, Fusion, 前衛搖滾, 自八零末至九零年代以降的日本地下音樂不可不知的名字, 該作品為他於自己旗下廠牌Magaibutsu發行的Solo卡帶作品, 對他有了解的就知道他現場演出時常身兼多職同時打鼓彈合成器又唱歌, 該作品為88年發行, 第一張個人Solo作品, 呈現了他極豐富的才華, 兩面18首曲子當中即可聽見他各種精湛且多元的技術, 值得一聽.


2016年11月18日 星期五

Kiyasu Orchestra - Cosmo

Artist: Kiyasu Orchestra
Title: Cosmo
Label: 噪眠夜Zoomin' Night
Country: China
Released: 2016
Style: Free Jazz/ Free Improvisation

以Set Star Spet/ 不失者鼓手Ryosuke Kiyasu為首組成的自由即興樂團, 於北京廠牌噪眠夜發行的最新作品, 不只Ryosuke Kiyasu展現了精湛的鼓技, 吉他和Bass表現也十分精彩, 今年度聽到最喜歡的作品之一.

Listen/ Download

Thorofon ‎– Maximum Punishment Solutions

Artist: Thorofon
Title: Maximum Punishment Solutions
Label: Stateart ‎– sa 006
Country: Germany
Released: 1997
Style: Industrial/ Power Electronics

德國Power Electronics 90年代末期的代表樂團之一, 由主腦Daniel Hofmann(aka Anton Knilpert)於1995年創立, 後續加入了原是法國電視劇女演員的Geneviève Pasquier, 奠定了該組合的固定成員. 音樂方面則是標準的Power Electronics作風, 冰冷,虛無且粗鄙. 樂團雖於2005年解散, 但其成員Geneviève Pasquier仍持續創作和演出, 同樣是工業曲風但內容細膩且豐富, 跟在Thorofon時期差異蠻大.


2016年11月17日 星期四

Test Dept. - European Network 1985

Artist: Test Dept.
Title: European Network 1985
Label: V2_Archief - V207
Country: Netherlands
Released: 1986
Style: Industrial

英國著名工業團, 早年風格非常生猛有力, 除傳統的吉他,Bass以外同樣也用了廢鐵等工業廢棄物作為打擊樂器使用, 絕對可媲美德國工業老祖新建築倒塌及澳洲的SPK, 此為樂團於1985年歐洲巡迴現場錄音, 以卡帶Box的形式發行.


2016年11月16日 星期三

Don Cherry / Krzysztof Penderecki ‎– Actions

Artist: Don Cherry/ Krzysztof Penderecki
Title: Actions
Label: Philips ‎– 6305 153
Country: Germany
Released: 1971
Style: Contemporary/ Avant-Garde Jazz

1971年Donaueschingen Music Festival現場錄音, 黃金陣容演出.

Credits :

Acoustic Guitar – Terje Rypdal
Bass – Buschi Niebergall
Bass, Electric Bass – Peter Warren
Conductor – Krzysztof Penderecki
Design – Sanna Nübold
Percussion, Temple Block, Tabla, Kalimba, Performer [Plastic Hose, Horse Jaw Etc.] – Han Bennink Flute, Bass Clarinet – Gunter Hampel
Mastered By – Joseph Hammer
Orchestra – The New Eternal Rhythm Orchestra
Organ, Electric Piano – Fred Van Hove
Photography By – Rolf W. Stoll
Producer, Liner Notes – Joachim Ernst Berendt
Remastered By – Dieter Wegner
Tambura – Mocqui Cherry (tracks: 1)
Tenor Saxophone, Baritone
Saxophone – Peter Brötzmann
Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet – Willem Breuker
Tenor Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone – Gerd Dudek
Trombone – Albert Mangelsdorff, Paul Rutherford (2) Trumpet [Pocket],
Flute [Chinese Shaun, South American Maya Bird], Vocals – Don Cherry (tracks: 1)
 Trumpet, Cornet – Kenny Wheeler, Manfred Schoof, Tomasz Stańko
Vocals – Loes MacGillycutty* (tracks: 1)


2016年11月15日 星期二

María Sabina - Mushroom Ceremony of Mazatec Indians of Mexico

Artist: María Sabina/ Gordon & Valentina Wasson (Recording)
Title: Mushroom Ceremony of Mazatec Indians of Mexico
Label: Folkways Records - FR 8975
Country: US
Released: 1957
Style: Ethnic

María Sabina是南墨西哥馬茲提克族知名的女薩滿, 善用多種不同品種的迷幻蘑菇主持儀式, 該錄音即是一次儀式的現場錄音, 由美國民族音樂學家Robert Gordon Wasson及其妻子錄製而成, 也是歷史上第一張人類在致幻藥物作用下反應的聲音紀錄, 十分珍貴的史料.


Maya Deren - Voices Of Haiti

Artist: Maya Deren (Recording)
Title: Voice Of Haiti
Label: Elektra EKLP-5 (10-inch mono)
Country: US
Released: 1953
Style: Ethnic

美國實驗電影先驅Maya Deren於鄰近海地首都郊區城鎮Petionville地區錄製的巫毒教儀式錄音, 除電影相關工作之外, 同時身兼舞蹈家,詩人,人類學者的她, 晚年幾乎投注所有心力在海地巫毒教的研究上, 不僅出版了此錄音作品, 也拍攝了巫毒教儀式過程的紀錄片, 這部片也成了她生前最後一部影像作品.
該專輯封面由她時任丈夫, 實驗音樂家伊藤貞司所繪, 兩人合作過不少作品, 最著名莫過Maya Deren 1943年的短片名作"Meshes of the Afternoon (午後之羅網)".

The belief that the proper performance of a sacred formula of symbols or sounds is the means by which man achieves contact with divine powers is a basic principle not only of Voudoun, but of every religion. Such formulae were known as mantras in ancient Sanskrit, and this is still the term for all such ritual action, whether the chants of the Muslim muezzin or the saying of the Catholic rosary. The use of mantras is as ancient and as universal as man's desire to improve his condition and secure his destiny. It is as prevailing as the proud conviction of each man that his weaknesses and inadequaceis are, by and large, common to all men and that, consequently, the power which is sufficiently superior to sustain and fortify him is one which is superior to man altogether. In times of need a man may seek to enlist such assistance by magic means. (...) If the songs and drumming achieve the compelling power which I believe is represented in this album it is because the microphone, lashed to the center post of the ceremonial peristyle, has captured a record not of men and women at play, not of their relaxed spontaneities, nor of their effort to create an art work for other men or for the satisfaction of any employer. It is a record of labor, of the most serious and vital effort which a Haitian makes, for he is here laboring for divine reward, addressing himself not to men but to divinity. They are singing for the gods. It is a privilege to have overheard and to have recorded it.

-Maya Deren


2016年11月14日 星期一

大友良英(Otomo Yoshihide)/ Paal Nilssen-Love - S/T

Artist: 大友良英(Otomo Yoshihide)/ Paal Nilssen-Love
Title: S/T
Label: Jvtlandt Records - JVT0011
Country: Denmark
Released: 2014
Style: Free Improvisation

2013年丹麥Copenhagen Jazzhouse現場錄音.
封面相片由挪威噪音龍頭Lasse Marhaug所攝.

Francisco López/ Zbigniew Karkowski - Turnoff

Artist: Francisco López/ Zbigniew Karkowski
Title: Turnoff
Label: Noise Aisa - NAIM 16CD
Country: Hong Kong
Released: 2003
Style: Noise

兩大筆電狂人對尬, 雖皆是噪音的作品但很明顯感受出兩人創作思維之不同, 形成炯異的對比. López保持慣用由寂靜推至高爆的架構, 結構完整且聲音層次處裡可謂精雕細琢, Karkowski則是標準的Laptop Harsh Noise表現, 全曲繁複細膩, 轟音的地方仍能聽出極豐富的紋理, 中段瞬間急停高反差的處裡非常精采.
兩曲皆為大師之作, 強力推薦!


VA - Audio By Visual Artist

Artist: VA
Title: Audio By Visual Artist
Label: Tellus - Tellus #21
Country: US
Released: 1988
Style: Avant-Garde/ Spoken Word/ Poetry/ Experimental

紐約廠牌Tellus由視覺藝術家Joseph Nechvatal, 現任紐約猶太博物館館長的Claudia Gould及作曲家/ 紐約數位藝術中心Harvestworks常任董事Carol Parkinson創立, 經營理念很特別, 以廠牌名稱後面加上序號的發行主題是想以卡帶的方式出版"聲音雜誌", 每一期內容都相當豐富, 主要以Spoken Word, 聲音詩, 實驗為主, 但當中偶爾也會有幾首讓人驚喜的拼貼或Alternative/ Free Rock的作品, 十分有趣.
這張編號21的合輯算是個人覺得當最具可聽性且珍貴的, 兩面總共收錄了三十首來自二十九位視覺藝術家的聲音創作, 其中還包含Jean Dubuffet著名作品Musical Experiences, 雖然收錄的曲目大多都是剪輯過後的版本, 但該合輯之目的本就是作為一本導覽, 藉此發掘當中收錄的視覺藝術家不為人知的聲音創作, 這也應是Tellus創立該聲音雜誌系列發行的初衷及希冀引發聽者的後續效應.

From ubu.com:
This issue of TELLUS explores audio work produced by visual artists from the Futurist Movement to the present. Luigi Russolo presented his theories on the use of noise in a musical context in 1913 with the "Art of Noise". Russolo destroyed the barrier which separated the works of precise harmonic sounds from that of indeterminate noise. With this manifesto, he proclaimed: "Ancient life was all silence. In the 19th century, with the invention of machines, Noise was born." His Futurist Orchestra of "families of noises" argued that the voice and sounds such as rumbles, explosions, whistles, snorts, screams, laughs and machines were to be regarded as musical instruments. With this in mind, I have touched on subsequent movements or events, defined by artists: Dada, Letterism, Art Brut, Fluxus, Conceptual Art and artists working with media appropriation that have been instrumental to audio and its history The two faces of this tape document different approaches to audio recording - sound and phonetic poetry, music concrete, storytelling, electronics, artists' bands and the sequential repetition of a sound, noise or word(s). With eighty-eight years of audio history passing through sixty minutes of time, TELLUS #21 accounts for less than one second of work produced by artists in this century.

-Claudia Gould


G.I.S.M - M.A.N (Military Affairs Neurotic)

Artist: G.I.S.M
Title: M.A.N (Military Affairs Neurotic)
Label: Beast Art
Country: Japan
Released: 1987
Style: Hardcore Punk/ Heavy Metal

日本地下最傳奇的音樂流氓經典之作, Randy Uchida吉他solo最淋漓盡致的一張. 
多做介紹廢話也無益, 有些東西聽就對了.

VA - Derek Jarman's The Last of England (OST)

Artist: VA
Title: The Last of England OST
Label: The Fine Line - CD IONIC 1
Country: UK
Released: 1987
Style: Soundtrack/ Experimental/ Ambient

英國導演/作家Derek Jarman 1987年作品原聲帶. 全片晦澀, 由一連串複雜迷離的影像拼貼而成, 氣氛痛苦且絕望, 諷刺柴契爾當權時期的暴力統治. 聲音的部分找來了不少實驗音樂創作者, 內容相當多元, 最著名的應屬演唱最後一幕配樂的人聲藝術家Diamanda Galas, 女高音及呻吟配合噪音演奏下, 飾演新娘的Tilda Swinton剪碎自己婚紗向大海離去, 令人印象深刻.

Schimpfluch-Gruppe/ Con-Dom/ C.C.C.C - Old Street In Taiwan

Artist: Schimpfluch-Gruppe/ Con-Dom/ C.C.C.C
Title: Old Street In Taiwan
Label: Tochnit Aleph - TA 039
Country: Germany
Released: 2002
Style: Noise / Industrial

1995年 Old Street Bar 現場錄音
